Wednesday, March 12, 2014


INTRODUCTION In the last decade, the field of information and telecommunications in particular progress for audiovisual devices, mobile phones and computers. The technology is directly or indirectly has changed the way people live and the effect on some aspects of life. Almost in all lines of human life has now been utilizing advances in information technology, one of them in the world of education. Today, information technology has been widely used and developed by education experts as a medium of learning. The learning process is certainly not going to always work optimally if it is not supported by adequate media. According Syaiful Bahri Djamarah in Mary Ulpah mention that instructional media is a tool that is used in the learning process. Learning is a process of communication between teachers, learners, and instructional materials. Communication will not run without the help of a means of delivering the message or the media. So, as the media has the function of a tool paves the way towards achievement of learning goals. Therefore, instructional media results determine the educational process, then teachers, professors, and education practitioners must constantly make new innovations in the use of instructional media. So the purpose of the use of the
media itself can run optimally, which help to achieve effective and efficient learning. Media learned that utilizes sophisticated information and communication technologies in the context of the current study have been widely discussed and even implemented also for improving the perceived quality of the learning process, especially in schools and in universities. In developed countries like the United States today have long used information technology in order to support the learning process. Wahyu Purnomo said in his paper that, utilizing information and communication technology in schools is one way to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Various studies both at home and abroad show that the utilization of instructional materials packaged in the form of medium-Driven ICT can improve the quality of education. At the same time, the generation of e-learning, public awareness of the learning process by using ICT media will be even greater. Departing from the state, today is the perfect time to encourage people to start using the technology in the development of human resources. Departing from multiple realities and possible challenges that will be faced by our generation in the future it needs to be grown awareness, teachers, professors, and practitioners of education for more attention on improving the quantity and quality of ICT-based instructional media, and more specifically its use in the school environment and other educational lembga.

The term comes from the Latin media that have meaning "between". That meaning can be interpreted as a communication tool that is used to carry the information from a source to a receiver. Meanwhile, according to the Vienna Sanjaya general media is the plural of "medium", which means intermediate or introduction. The word applies to the media or business activities, such as the media in the delivery of messages, magnets or hot medium of instruction in the field of engineering. And medium term is also used in the field of education, in terms of in teaching. There are many definitions expressed by some experts in the media defines learning. Here are some definitions or concepts of instructional media experts say. According to the Association of Education and Communication Technology (AECT) are all forms of media and channels are used to deliver messages or information. When linked with the media learning activities can be interpreted as a means of communication used in the learning process to bring information from the teacher to the learner. Rossi and Briedle (1996) argues that in Vienna Sanjaya, instructional media is all over the tools and materials that can be used to achieve educational goals such as radio, television, books, newspapers, magazines, and so on. According to Rossi if the tools are used and programmed for education then it can be regarded as a medium of learning. Another thing with Gerlach and Ely mengunkapkan broader definition of instructional media, that is not only focused on the tools and materials alone, but the human or humans can also be used as a medium of learning. Gagne defines various types of media as a component in a student environment that can stimulate students to learn. Apart from the above there is also the understanding of the definition of instructional media divides into two senses. In this case, the definition divides Daryanti instructional media instructional media and information transfer medium. Instructional media that everything that can be used to provide a stimulus so that the interaction of teaching and learning in order to achieve specific instructional goals. While the information transfer medium is a tool that can be used to present / communicate information to another party (participant / beneficiary information). From the definition that has been described above, the experts can disimpulakan that, there are two things that need to be underlined in the media define learning, ie everything that is in the form of tools or objects and or anything that enable learners to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes. So learning media are all forms of media and communication tools that can be used or programmed to achieve the goals of learning activities. As explained at the beginning of that, the position of ICT in today's modern era has a strategic role in enhancing the standard of living of human beings. The development of technology, either directly or indirectly perceived benefits so far have made significant contributions in various fields, not least education. Advance education, especially in schools in the conventional process of implementation is still impressed. Education is still a monologue (Transfer of knowladge) and learning facilities are sometimes inadequate. This leads to a lack of creativity of students and teachers to meet the learning supplements. Today, technology is present as a form of new innovations in an effort to improve the quality of learning and education in general. Learning to optimize technology, whatever it is now a necessity in order to prepare human resources that have global competitiveness. This means that, in addition to equipped students with knowledge, they should also be balanced with the ability to operate and utilize the technology. Based on the research of UNESCO and the World Bank in developing countries that are necessary to a change approach and the learning paradigm. Otherwise, developing countries will not be able to compete in the era of the science based economy (economic knowladge era). The era requires workers quickly find a range of information required, weigh, and evaluate the information that has a high degree of accuracy and bias, and use that information to solve various problems. Utilization of ICT in educational contexts are more likely essentially the process of learning itself. Apart from that there are some schools utilize ICT in the field of school administration. It is not wrong, because the use of ICT facilities management at least in school administration can walk easily, quickly, and efficiently. Services in the school so that teachers, students, parents, and other stakeholders can be served optimally. Learning that utilize ICT devices typically use hardware and software in such applications, the computer connected to the Internet network, LCD, projectors, learning CDs, TV, the web or even use certain sites on the Internet. There are many ways that can be done by the school in the use of ICT-based learning. Currently, many models of learning approaches that utilize ICT. Among the several kinds of approaches, of course, not all can be applied simultaneously in the learning process. In this case, the school and the teachers have to choose which medium of instruction appropriate to their learning meteri and potential students. In the ICT-based learning, in addition to using a computer equipped with its software, as well as to support the performance of ICT must be supported with adequate internet network. This will enable the students and teachers implement learning activities should not necessarily face to face directly, but can be a way tekoneksi online with Internet network. Such learning also allows the students to learn more independently and explore the knowledge, not only in the material provided by the teacher in the classroom. The students can use the Internet to enrich the subject matter. Lessons usually take advantage of the internet is known as e-learning. Today the use of e-learning has been developed by some schools, especially in schools that internesional standard in operational standards required to implement the ICT-based learning. In this case I will give you some idea of ​​e-learning models consisting of content and applications. Above definition of the learning media can also be seen that the media has a learning function to achieve optimal learning process. And one of the indicators of achievement of the optimal learning process is student learning experience. In this case, to understand the role of the media in the process of getting a learning experience for students, Edgar Dale in Vienna Sanjaya describes it in a cone shape to be called the cone of experience (cone of experience). Cones experience developed by Edgar Dale has been widely used as a basis for determining what the media or a tool appropriate to the learners in order to gain experience learning easy. Here is a picture cones experience developed by Edgar Dale: From the above it can be seen that the cone more concrete learners studying teaching materials, so the more experience gained learners. For example, through direct experience. And conversely, the more abstract learners gain experience, the less experience will be obtained learners. For example, teaching is only delivered with verbal ability. Edgar Dale sort level learning experience gained from the lowest to the highest. The more directly the object being studied, the more concrete knowledge gained. And the more indirect the knowledge gained, the more abstract the knowledge of students. Consider the framework of this knowledge, it is the position of the components of teaching media in teaching and learning has a very important function. Because not all of the learning experience can be obtained directly. In this context, the media can be used to better provide concrete knowledge and precise and easy to understand.
MODEL LEARNING E-LEARNING Inevitable development of today's communications continues to grow and innovate in addressing the problems of human life while providing the convenience alternatives. According to Budi Sutedjo, (2002: 49), a wave-based information technology and the Internet evolved through several stages as follows: 1. The first wave, the use of IT is focused on improving productivity and reduce costs. Applications used include, Word, Excel, Power Point, and Access. 2. The second wave, IT focused on improving the effectiveness of the use of computer equipment through the development of the computer network. This network is built by connecting the computer-computer using a cable and network card so that printers, hard drives, and other eralatan can be used simultaneously. These networks can save investment costs and speed up the distribution of data and information. 3. Gelomang Third, IT is focused on making a profit through the development of information systems. as in a university building a network of information systems of administrative services, academic, financial information systems, information systems and public services, all of which are based on information technology and beneficial to the university and students being served. 4. The fourth wave, IT focuses on the decision-making process of qualitative data. Such as the development of decision support systems (DDS / Decision Suport System), for recruitment, employee performance appraisal, employee career enhancement slender, and so forth. 5. The fifth wave, IT focused to reach customers through the development of the Internet. Build a massive exploration on the internet. So in this case the business world was born in what is called buesness electronic (e-buesness) and e-commerce. In the Internet-based education system, the so-called e-learning, e-campus, e-school, which is able to reach the users of educational services both locally, nationally and globally. 6. The sixth wave, which develops IT systems wireless networks (LAN). The system allows one to access the Internet through a computer connected to a mobile phone. Even the Internet can be accessed directly via the phone. This wave of innovation suggests that IT can be used for effective communication with customers and partners. From the stage of development of Internet-based information technology on at least gives us that, IT will continue to berkembangan accordance with the dynamics of human life. At least we can take advantage of IT developments are communication and information activities will be more effective and faster with the internet. Distance no longer be a problem adalam establish communication. The progress of the Internet is also supposed to be used by the world and education in order to increase efficiency of the learning process. To compensate for and prepare human resources and competitive global competitiveness has, of course, the mastery of IT, especially the Internet becomes a necessity. According Suhariyanto in his paper "ICT-Based Learning", revealed that, the responsibility of schools entering this new era of globalization should be to prepare students for all the challenges that are rapidly changing our society. The ability to speak a foreign language and computer literacy are the two most common criteria required people to enter the workforce in Indonesia and around the world. Approximately only about 20% to 30% of high school graduates who go on to higher education levels, and with computers now infiltrating every aspect of human life that requires a very high responsibility for our education system to develop language skills and computer literacy for students. Education have often done by some schools have utilized other than IT, there is still a portion of the schools that have not been able to take advantage of IT sophistication. Conventional learning patterns basically there is still relevant to current conditions. However, learning will be more meaningful if the teacher or lecturer can optimize more innovative instructional media. In this case, the learning does not just focus in the classroom. Conventional methods are usually more inclined pursuit of static as lectures, drills, tasks, and notes. This will certainly have an impact on students who are less interested in following the lesson, because the learning method presented by the teacher is not varied, giving rise to saturation for students. According Suhariyanto, there are some drawbacks in the conventional learning, among others: 1. Students are difficult to capture and understand the material presented by lecture. 2. Less can arouse students' motivation and interest in learning. 3. Less can provide an opportunity for students to think critically and innovatively. 4. Students are forced to learn in the same way and not personal.
It is clear that, conventional learning methods that are sometimes lacking a positive effect on the development of students' learning patterns, they seem less creative, critical, and monotonous in learning. With no disregard conventional learning methods then in this case I will give you some alternative learning model that utilizes the Internet to support the teaching and learning process. According to Haughey, (1998) in Suhariyanto, revealed that the use of the Internet in learning media can be done in three forms, namely: 1. Web Course, namely: The use of the Internet for learning purposes, which all learning materials, discussion, consultation, assignments, exercises and exams delivered entirely over the Internet. This form does not require face-to-face for both learning and test and evaluation. The learning process is done entirely through the use of e-mail, chat rooms, bulletin boards and online conferencing. This form is also commonly used for distance learning (distance education / learning). Application forms include a Virtual campus / university. 2. Web Centric course, namely: Most learning materials, discussion, consultation, assignments, and training delivered through the Internet, while the exam and some consultations, discussions and exercises is done face to face. In this form of face-to-face presentations are less than internet use. Shifted from the center of the learning activities through classroom activities via the internet. Same with web course students and teachers separately, but at the times specified them face to face. This form is widely applied diperguruantinggi-college learning system that applies off campus. 3. Web Enhanced Course, which Utilization of the Internet for education, to support the improvement of the quality of the learning activities in the classroom. This form is also known as web lite course, because the main learning activities are face to face in the classroom. This form is more dominant compared to-face activities using the Internet as a medium of learning. This form is referred to as a first step to organizing Internet-based learning, before organizing learning with the Internet more complex.
From the above it is understood that the exposure, the use of the internet is not a substitute adasarnya learning system, but the Internet will be used to support learning activities in order to further develop and innovative. Of course, the teacher in this case should have sufficient capacity to operate and utilize the Internet media.

Syaiful Bahri Djamarah, Teachers and Learners in Educational Interactions: A Theoretical and Psychological Approaches, Revised Edition (New York: Rineka Copyright, 2005),
Wahyu Purnomo, ICT-Based Learning, Papers, 2008,, accessed on July 17, 2010
Hamzah B. Uno, Profession Education, Problems, Solutions, and Education Reform in Indonesia, (Jakarta: PT. Earth Literacy, 2009).
Vienna Sanjaya, Learning Strategies, To Standard Process Oriented Education, (New York: Golden Prenda Media Group, 2008)., accessed on July 19, 2010
Daryanto, Learning Process Guide. Theory and Practice in Teacher Professional Development, (New York: AV Publishers, 2009)
I Wayan Santyasa, Conceptual Basis of Learning Media, Papers, 2007,, accessed on July 19, 2010
Eti Rocheaty, et al, Education Management Information System, (London: Earth Literacy, 2008), the third mold
Suhariyanto, ICT-Based Learning, (FKIP UNILA, 2009), Papers, p. 17-16

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